Dev Builds » 20181201-0929

Use this dev build

NCM plays each Stockfish dev build 20,000 times against Stockfish 15. This yields an approximate Elo difference and establishes confidence in the strength of the dev builds.


Host Duration Avg Base NPS Games WLD Standard Elo Ptnml(0-2) Gamepair Elo

Test Detail

ID Host Base NPS Games WLD Standard Elo Ptnml(0-2) Gamepair Elo CLI PGN


Commit ID 79e3710fd224e6e052f6bc5420a8f8f03bf41e18
Author ElbertoOne
Date 2018-12-01 09:29:10 UTC
Remove Overload bonus Compensate by giving the Hanging bonus to weak doubly-attacked non pawn enemies pieces. STC: LLR: 2.96 (-2.94,2.94) [-3.00,1.00] Total: 62107 W: 13664 L: 13622 D: 34821 LTC: LLR: 2.96 (-2.94,2.94) [-3.00,1.00] Total: 86406 W: 14381 L: 14365 D: 57660 A possible follow up would be to tune the hanging bonus and/or try to simplify the hanging bonus condition. Bench: 3810849
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