Dev Builds » 20230422-0904

Use this dev build

NCM plays each Stockfish dev build 20,000 times against Stockfish 15. This yields an approximate Elo difference and establishes confidence in the strength of the dev builds.


Host Duration Avg Base NPS Games WLD Standard Elo Ptnml(0-2) Gamepair Elo

Test Detail

ID Host Base NPS Games WLD Standard Elo Ptnml(0-2) Gamepair Elo CLI PGN


Commit ID ba06c480a752458a8159db0c9110bd3b7e34145a
Author Stefan Geschwentner
Date 2023-04-22 09:04:09 UTC
Less reduction for tt move. This idea is a result of my second condition combination tuning for reductions: There were used two parameters per combination: one for the 'sign' of the first and the second condition in a combination. Values >= 50 indicate using a condition directly and values <= -50 means use the negation of a condition. Each condition pair (X,Y) had two occurances dependent of the order of the two conditions: - if X < Y the parameters used for more reduction - if X > Y the parameters used for less reduction - if X = Y then only one condition is present and A[X][X][0]/A[X][X][1] stands for using more/less reduction for only this condition. The parameter pair A[7][2][0] (value = -94.70) and A[7][2][1] (value = 93.60) was one of the strongest signals with values near 100/-100. Here condition nr. 7 was '(ss+1)->cutoffCnt > 3' and condition nr. 2 'move == ttMove'. For condition nr. 7 the negation is used because A[7][2][0] is negative. This translates finally to less reduction (because 7 > 2) for tt moves if child cutoffs <= 3. STC: LLR: 2.94 (-2.94,2.94) <0.00,2.00> Total: 65728 W: 17704 L: 17358 D: 30666 Ptnml(0-2): 184, 7092, 18008, 7354, 226 LTC: LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) <0.50,2.50> Total: 139200 W: 37776 L: 37282 D: 64142 Ptnml(0-2): 58, 13241, 42509, 13733, 59 closes Bench: 3548023
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