Dev Builds » 20220217-1945

You are viewing an old NCM Stockfish dev build test. You may find the most recent dev build tests using Stockfish 15 as the baseline here.

Use this dev build

NCM plays each Stockfish dev build 20,000 times against Stockfish 14. This yields an approximate Elo difference and establishes confidence in the strength of the dev builds.


Host Duration Avg Base NPS Games WLD Standard Elo Ptnml(0-2) Gamepair Elo
ncm-dbt-01 10:03:37 1182754 3332 1223 455 1654 +81.55 +/- 5.81 1 122 681 832 30 +165.61 +/- 13.05
ncm-dbt-02 10:00:59 1235690 3312 1201 509 1602 +73.68 +/- 5.86 3 129 729 763 32 +147.34 +/- 12.6
ncm-dbt-03 10:05:01 1265678 3350 1204 488 1658 +75.42 +/- 5.72 3 126 718 808 20 +154.41 +/- 12.71
ncm-dbt-04 10:04:44 1258359 3342 1208 485 1649 +76.37 +/- 5.62 3 114 728 809 17 +157.36 +/- 12.6
ncm-dbt-05 10:00:32 1268671 3320 1253 451 1616 +85.62 +/- 5.99 2 122 651 842 43 +172.09 +/- 13.35
ncm-dbt-06 10:03:59 1271365 3344 1218 506 1620 +75.12 +/- 5.8 2 134 711 800 25 +152.22 +/- 12.77
20000 7307 2894 9799 +77.94 +/- 2.37 14 747 4218 4854 167 +158.08 +/- 5.24

Test Detail

ID Host Base NPS Games WLD Standard Elo Ptnml(0-2) Gamepair Elo CLI PGN
205110 ncm-dbt-02 1198429 148 61 18 69 +103.93 +/- 23.63 0 1 30 42 1 +223.72 +/- 62.24
205109 ncm-dbt-05 1227110 156 62 25 69 +84.0 +/- 26.81 0 6 30 41 1 +173.46 +/- 63.28
205108 ncm-dbt-01 1136030 162 64 15 83 +108.48 +/- 24.25 0 2 30 47 2 +230.29 +/- 63.11
205107 ncm-dbt-04 1224481 176 63 28 85 +70.02 +/- 23.9 0 7 39 42 0 +146.25 +/- 55.12
205106 ncm-dbt-03 1227408 176 63 27 86 +72.08 +/- 24.03 0 7 38 43 0 +150.97 +/- 55.91
205105 ncm-dbt-06 1228931 182 70 27 85 +83.67 +/- 26.55 1 5 38 44 3 +168.64 +/- 55.94
205104 ncm-dbt-02 1192993 500 181 75 244 +74.79 +/- 15.7 1 22 102 120 5 +150.51 +/- 33.87
205103 ncm-dbt-05 1241600 500 187 58 255 +91.71 +/- 15.48 0 17 95 130 8 +183.51 +/- 35.13
205102 ncm-dbt-01 1140149 500 188 55 257 +94.69 +/- 15.12 0 13 100 128 9 +189.0 +/- 34.18
205101 ncm-dbt-04 1227670 500 186 81 233 +74.06 +/- 15.01 0 20 110 115 5 +147.19 +/- 32.57
205100 ncm-dbt-03 1220082 500 194 72 234 +86.52 +/- 15.23 1 16 98 130 5 +178.11 +/- 34.58
205099 ncm-dbt-06 1248834 500 189 73 238 +82.1 +/- 14.42 0 16 105 126 3 +169.27 +/- 33.34
205098 ncm-dbt-02 1198631 500 167 80 253 +61.08 +/- 13.82 1 15 132 100 2 +124.6 +/- 29.14
205097 ncm-dbt-05 1232461 500 191 73 236 +83.57 +/- 15.3 0 20 97 128 5 +169.27 +/- 34.75
205096 ncm-dbt-01 1158201 500 188 72 240 +82.1 +/- 14.42 0 16 105 126 3 +169.27 +/- 33.34
205095 ncm-dbt-04 1235155 500 171 77 252 +66.11 +/- 14.59 2 18 114 116 0 +140.62 +/- 31.94
205094 ncm-dbt-03 1240322 500 184 81 235 +72.61 +/- 15.1 1 21 104 122 2 +150.51 +/- 33.54
205093 ncm-dbt-06 1245388 500 183 77 240 +74.79 +/- 15.04 0 22 103 122 3 +152.18 +/- 33.71
205092 ncm-dbt-01 1143574 500 190 70 240 +85.04 +/- 15.06 1 18 93 136 2 +179.9 +/- 35.49
205091 ncm-dbt-02 1194111 500 173 72 255 +71.16 +/- 14.78 0 21 110 116 3 +143.89 +/- 32.58
205090 ncm-dbt-05 1235439 500 195 74 231 +85.78 +/- 16.54 0 24 91 125 10 +165.8 +/- 35.74
205089 ncm-dbt-04 1204372 500 181 73 246 +76.25 +/- 14.25 0 16 113 118 3 +155.54 +/- 32.01
205088 ncm-dbt-03 1231360 500 170 68 262 +71.89 +/- 14.67 1 17 114 115 3 +147.19 +/- 31.9
205087 ncm-dbt-06 1248874 500 192 71 237 +85.78 +/- 15.49 0 21 92 132 5 +174.55 +/- 35.63
205086 ncm-dbt-05 1217577 500 179 66 255 +79.9 +/- 14.5 0 15 112 118 5 +160.64 +/- 32.15
205085 ncm-dbt-04 1244474 500 183 62 255 +85.78 +/- 13.61 0 13 103 134 0 +183.51 +/- 33.63
205084 ncm-dbt-01 1137752 500 171 74 255 +68.27 +/- 15.21 0 23 112 110 5 +134.15 +/- 32.28
205083 ncm-dbt-02 1195621 500 182 87 231 +66.82 +/- 15.68 0 25 112 106 7 +127.76 +/- 32.29
205082 ncm-dbt-03 1251509 500 165 71 264 +66.1 +/- 15.26 0 25 110 111 4 +130.94 +/- 32.59
205081 ncm-dbt-06 1225118 500 185 77 238 +76.25 +/- 15.35 1 21 100 125 3 +157.24 +/- 34.21
205080 ncm-dbt-01 1125330 500 168 63 269 +74.06 +/- 13.89 0 16 114 119 1 +153.86 +/- 31.85
205079 ncm-dbt-04 1203776 500 205 67 228 +98.44 +/- 14.89 1 10 96 136 7 +204.07 +/- 34.89
205078 ncm-dbt-05 1244386 500 189 61 250 +90.97 +/- 15.47 1 15 96 131 7 +185.33 +/- 34.95
205077 ncm-dbt-02 1198912 500 185 76 239 +76.98 +/- 16.16 1 23 99 120 7 +152.18 +/- 34.35
205076 ncm-dbt-03 1215732 500 180 80 240 +70.43 +/- 14.05 0 18 115 116 1 +145.54 +/- 31.75
205075 ncm-dbt-06 1231142 500 179 79 242 +70.43 +/- 15.02 0 20 116 108 6 +137.37 +/- 31.63
205074 ncm-dbt-01 1128670 500 196 75 229 +85.78 +/- 15.35 0 19 97 128 6 +172.78 +/- 34.76
205073 ncm-dbt-05 1247957 500 191 72 237 +84.31 +/- 16.11 1 22 90 131 6 +171.02 +/- 35.95
205072 ncm-dbt-02 1194479 500 192 79 229 +79.9 +/- 14.92 0 18 106 121 5 +160.64 +/- 33.2
205071 ncm-dbt-06 1222554 500 164 83 253 +56.78 +/- 14.73 0 26 119 103 2 +113.68 +/- 31.27
205070 ncm-dbt-04 1231338 500 159 72 269 +61.07 +/- 14.92 0 26 113 109 2 +123.02 +/- 32.15
205069 ncm-dbt-03 1234300 500 182 69 249 +79.9 +/- 14.64 0 17 107 122 4 +162.35 +/- 33.02
177499 ncm-dbt-05 1502839 164 59 22 83 +79.75 +/- 23.32 0 3 40 38 1 +163.65 +/- 53.3
177498 ncm-dbt-06 1520086 162 56 19 87 +80.78 +/- 22.7 0 3 38 40 0 +171.37 +/- 55.01
177497 ncm-dbt-02 1512344 164 60 22 82 +81.99 +/- 25.02 0 4 38 38 2 +163.65 +/- 55.36
177496 ncm-dbt-04 1495607 166 60 25 81 +74.37 +/- 22.85 0 4 40 39 0 +156.26 +/- 53.68
177495 ncm-dbt-03 1504711 174 66 20 88 +94.08 +/- 24.47 0 5 32 49 1 +198.93 +/- 61.32
177494 ncm-dbt-01 1492333 170 58 31 81 +55.65 +/- 29.83 0 15 30 38 2 +105.3 +/- 61.33


Commit ID 84b1940fcae95bb0a641dda9e85cb96f8c21cd22
Author Michael Chaly
Date 2022-02-17 19:45:21 UTC
Tune search at very long time control This patch is a result of tuning done by user @candirufish after 150k games. Since the tuned values were really interesting and touched heuristics that are known for their non-linear scaling I decided to run limited games LTC match, even if the STC test was really bad (which was expected). After seeing the results of the LTC match, I also run a VLTC (very long time control) SPRTtest, which passed. The main difference is in extensions: this patch allows much more singular/double extensions, both in terms of allowing them at lower depths and with lesser margins. Failed STC: LLR: -2.94 (-2.94,2.94) <0.00,2.50> Total: 4968 W: 1194 L: 1398 D: 2376 Ptnml(0-2): 47, 633, 1294, 497, 13 Performed well at LTC in a fixed-length match: ELO: 3.36 +-1.8 (95%) LOS: 100.0% Total: 30000 W: 7966 L: 7676 D: 14358 Ptnml(0-2): 36, 2936, 8755, 3248, 25 Passed VLTC SPRT test: LLR: 2.96 (-2.94,2.94) <0.50,3.00> Total: 4400 W: 1326 L: 1127 D: 1947 Ptnml(0-2): 13, 309, 1348, 526, 4 closes Bench: 6318903
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